Revised FAQ Return Policy Language

During the COVID-19 crisis, Prefense product purchased on the website can only be returned if the product has been damaged during shipment. To request a Return Shipment Notice (RSN), forward your order confirmation e-mail to within 7 days of when the product was delivered. Returns without an RSN will not be accepted.

Prefense will provide shipment instructions based on location. Product should be packed in the original packaging, if available, or in a shipping container appropriate for the size, weight, and condition of the product. Each return will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis, and Prefense reserves the right to provide disposition that is appropriate for the return request.

Returns for Prefense products purchased online are not eligible for return to any local retailer.

Once a return has been authorized, the customer will receive a credit or refund for the product and any agreed-upon costs associated.

Bring Prohibition back!

We live in a world that demands that all things that are harmful or damaging be banned from the market place.  Using a topical skin sanitizer that contains 62-90% ethyl alcohol should be no different. Commercial alcohol based sanitizers utilize commercial NGS (Neutral Grain Spirits) which is predominately made from the lowest cost fermentable grain, or Genetically Modified Organism (GMO grains). By and large, this alcohol is sourced from the US GMO corn production process.

Alcohol is recommended to be of 60-90% concentration to be effective as an antimicrobial. While this elevated amount seems to provide a “one size” fits all solution to hand and skin sanitization, it also brings with it numerous serious and potentially dangerous issues.

  • At the 60%-90% v/v alcohol level, this is the same as 120-180 proof. That is that same amount of alcohol you would get from top shelf barrel strength bourbon at a minimum.
  • People consume alcohol based “hand sanitizer” in efforts to get drunk.
  • 60%-90% alcohol is flammable, Flash Point: 16.6 deg. C (61.88 deg. F)
  • Alcohol based sanitizers only work when wet. As long as the alcohol is liquid gel form present on your skin, there is an antiseptic function being performed. Once the alcohol evaporates, any benefits are gone and with it goes your normal dermal protective layer of natural oils. Leaving your skin  damaged, dry, chapped and exposed.

The skin is the largest organ of your body and is intended to keep essential things in and detrimental things out. Alcohol exposure inherently causes damage to the skin, which can be cumulative, or increasing severity over time and repeated exposure. Dryness, chapping and cracking are all side effects of excessive direct alcohol exposure.  Once the skin is compromised, the ability to keep detrimental things out (pathogenic organisms) is reduced and compromised, allowing microbiological entities direct access into your body.

If you are of legal age to drink and you want a drink of alcohol, you should be able to select what you’re drinking, and how it’s prepared before you drink it. It shouldn’t be hidden in a clear gelatinous bottle of goop that slithers on your skin and smells of alcohol and fragrances.  Say “NO” to alcohol based sanitizers! Bring Prohibition back  to sanitizers! Save the alcohol for your cocktails!

Alcohol based sanitizers have long been the accepted practice, but no longer is this technology the only or even the best option.

For an alternative to alcohol based sanitizer, please visit


Time for an alternative to alcohol based sanitizers


Everyone knows that there are numerous reasons why Alcohol based sanitizers should be avoided. They evaporate in about 30 seconds, they have limited efficacy because of the limited amount of residence time they offer. Since alcohol is a solvent, they also remove the natural oils normally found on your skin, leaving your skin dry, chapped and cracked. Now, In the last few days we have seen no less than 6 articles through mass media on children (& teens) drinking alcohol based sanitizers because of the 62% or higher alcohol content. (62% is equal to 124 proof). “Drunk on Sanitizer”,  One report suggested that an 8.0 oz. bottle of the leading alcohol based sanitizer, contained as much alcohol as 5 shots. Since all alcohols are not the same, the differences between ethanol, isopropyl and denatured alcohol can be extremely dangerous.

Contamination from skin to skin contact or skin from contaminated surfaces account for an estimated 80% of the transferable diseases, they can be traced back to one of these two methods of transmission. The issue remains that everyone touches their face or an item that touches your face. Scratch an itch, tickle your nose, and rub your eyes. Everyone has a cell phone, wears glasses, or uses an earpiece etc. That leaves airborne as the third major method of transferal.

Basic protection steps:

Wash your hands frequently.

  • Use soap, and warm water to wash with and continue the process for at least 20 seconds.
  • Pay particular attention to the cuticle areas and nail beds. Also wash well between the fingers and in the natural folds of your skin.
  • Dry your hands well. Don’t use the front of your shirt or the front of your pants, use paper towels or the paperless hand drier, make sure that your hands are completely dry.
  • Sanitize your hands with Prefense® nonalcoholic Hand & Skin sanitizer that can help protect you. Our unique product has the active ingredient suspended and stabilized in a silica matrix solution. It contains no alcohol and kills up to 99.99% of germs.  It comes in an easy to use foam that provides easy coverage to your entire hand. 640 doses per 8.0 oz. bottle. Same as .0265 cents per dose.

If you have to sneeze, cover your mouth with a tissue or the crook of your elbow. Turn away from those close to you.

Wash your hands as soon as you can.

Why use Prefense alcohol-free, rinse-free hand sanitizer vs. traditional alcohol-based products?

Prefense foaming hand sanitizer helps protect hands and skin without the drawbacks of alcohol-based hand sanitizers.  Traditional alcohol-based products only kill germs that are on your skin while they are wet – they don’t protect you after the product is dry.

Proper hand hygiene is the best way to mitigate exposure to cold and flu, and the spread of germs, bacteria, and viruses. Washing hands with soap and water is the first line of defense, but sometimes this is not convenient or possible.

You have 3 choices for hand sanitizers:

  1. Alcohol based gels, most of which are toxic and flammable
  2. Non-alcohol based sanitizers that wash off or evaporate shortly after application
  3. Prefense foam hand sanitizer, a revolutionary, non-alcohol based product proven to kill a wide spectrum of pathogens